Policy of Fotostrana LLC regarding the processing and protection of user data of the website www.fotostrana.ru and other sites using the second-level domain fotostrana.ru (m.fotostrana.ru, android.fotostrana.ru and others), as well as the Fotostrana mobile application and Dating & chat app: FS Online
Revision dated 05/24/2024
1. General Provisions
1.1. This Policy is an official document of the Limited Liability Company "Fotostrana", registered at the address: Russian Federation, 197046, St. Petersburg, municipal district Posadsky ext. ter. g., Pevchesky lane, building 12, lit. A, room. 3-H, ch.pom. 3, OGRN 1157847426076 INN 7813238556 (hereinafter referred to as the Service Administration), and determines the procedure for processing and protecting information about individuals using the services of the Internet site https://fotostrana.ru/, including its second-level domains: https://m.fotostrana.ru/, https://android.fotostrana.ru/, https://simple.fotostrana.ru/, and also the mobile application “Fotostrana: Dating Site”, the mobile application Dating & chat app: FS Online and other mobile applications based on Fotostrana (hereinafter referred to as the Service) and its gaming applications (hereinafter referred to as Users), using domains: https://android.fotostrana.ru/, https://simple.fotostrana.ru/.
1.2. The purpose of this Policy is to ensure adequate protection of information about users, including their personal data, from unauthorized access and disclosure.
1.3. Relations related to the collection, storage, distribution and protection of information about users of the Service are regulated by this Policy, other official documents of the Service Administration and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
1.4. The current version of the Policy, which is a public document, is available to any Internet user by clicking on the link https://fotostrana.ru/support/help/?page=agreements&part=personaldata, for users of the mobile application “Fotostrana: Dating Site” here https:/ /android.fotostrana.ru/support/help/?page=agreements&part=personaldata, and for users of the Dating & chat app mobile application: FS Online: https://android.fotostrana.ru/support/help/?page=agreements_en&part= personaldata_en
The Service Administration has the right to make changes to this Policy. When changes are made to the Policy, the Service Administration notifies users by posting a new version of the Policy on the website at the permanent address https://fotostrana.ru/support/help/?page=agreements&part=personaldata, as well as for Android-based mobile applications at the following addresses: https://android.fotostrana.ru/support/help/?page=agreements&part=personaldata and English version https://android.fotostrana.ru/support/help/?page=agreements_en&part=personaldata_en, no later than than 10 days before the relevant changes come into force. Previous editions of the Policy are stored in the documentation archive of the Service Administration.
1.5. This Policy has been developed and used in accordance with the User and License Agreements located at https://fotostrana.ru/support/help/?page=agreements&part=tos and https://fotostrana.ru/support/help/?page= agreements&part=gameservices, addresses for mobile applications: https://android.fotostrana.ru/support/help/?page=agreements and English version https://android.fotostrana.ru/support/help/?page=agreements_en&part=tos_en In the event of any contradictions between this Policy and other official documents of the Service Administration, this Policy shall apply.
1.6. By registering and using the Service, the User agrees with the terms of this Policy. The user also agrees that his data may be anonymized for further use for marketing purposes.
1.7. If the User does not agree with the terms of this Policy, the use of the Service and its applications must be immediately terminated.
2. Terms of use of the Service
2.1. By providing services for using the Service and its applications (hereinafter referred to as the Service Services), the Service Administration, acting reasonably and in good faith, believes that the User:
- has all the necessary rights allowing him to register and use this Service;
- indicates reliable information about himself to the extent necessary to use the Services;
- understands that information on the Service posted by the User about himself may become available to other Users of the Service and Internet users, and may be copied and distributed by such users;
- understands that some types of information transferred by him to other Users cannot be deleted by the User himself;
- has read this Policy, agrees with it and assumes the rights and obligations specified in it.
2.2. The Service Administration does not verify the accuracy of the information received (collected) about users, except in cases where such verification is necessary in order for the Service Administration to fulfill its obligations to the user.
3. Purposes of information processing
The Service Administration processes information about Users, including their personal data, in order to fulfill the obligations of the Service Administration to Users regarding the use of the Service and its applications.
4. Composition of information about users
4.1. Personal data of Users
Personal data of Users includes:
4.1.1. provided by Users and the minimum required for registration on the Service: name, gender, date of birth, mobile phone number and/or email address;
4.1.2. provided by Users using the editing section of their pages on the Service https://fotostrana.ru/user/info/?edit=1&from=profile (including last name, marital status, date of birth, hometown, education information);
4.1.3. additionally provided by Users at the request of the Service Administration in order for the Service Administration to fulfill its obligations to Users arising from the agreement for the provision of Service Services. The Administration of the Service has the right, in particular, to request from the User a copy of an identification document or other document containing the name, surname, photograph of the User, as well as other additional information that, at the discretion of the Administration of the Service, will be necessary and sufficient to identify such User and will prevent abuse and violation of the rights of third parties. For example, to verify the user, the Service Administration has the right to request the user to confirm his identity in one of the following ways:
- send a photo of the User next to the computer monitor on which the User’s page is open;
- send a photo of your passport (without the series and passport number, which must be hidden);
- send a photo with a piece of paper on which it will be written by hand “Hello, Fotostrana!” and the date of application is indicated;
4.1.4. data provided by Users from third-party services such as VK, Odnoklassniki and others. Such data is uploaded by the User automatically from the User’s account in a third-party service to the User’s page in the Fotostrana Service by performing certain actions during registration or authorization (Login or registration through social networks).
4.2. Other information about Users processed by the Service Administration
The Service Administration may also
process other information about Users, which includes:
4.2.1. additional data obtained when accessing the Service, including data on technical means (devices), technological interaction with the Service (including host IP address, type of user’s operating system, browser type, geographic location, Internet service provider) , and subsequent actions of the User on the Service. Information containing the user’s history of visiting the Service is available to the User in the “Site Settings / Account Protection” section;
4.2.2. information automatically obtained when accessing the Service using bookmarks (cookies);
4.2.3. information created by users in the Service outside the page editing section https://fotostrana.ru/user/info/?edit=1&from=profile (including statuses, My posts, photos, audio recordings, comments, posts in community discussions);
4.2.4. information obtained as a result of the User’s actions on the Service (in particular, information about joining/leaving the community, adding other Users to the friends list, posting photos).
4.2.5. information received when the User makes a payment in the Service, namely information about the financial transaction, this is data about the date and time of the payment made, the payment method. The Service Administration does not have access to data on bank cards and other payment data of the User; the User enters such data directly to the payment partner of the Service Administration, a list of which is available here https://fotostrana.ru/support/help/?page=payment, and the User agrees with terms and conditions of data processing of such payment partner.
5. Processing of user information
5.1. The processing of personal data is carried out on the basis of the following principles:
- the legality of the purposes and methods of processing personal data;
- integrity;
- compliance of the purposes of processing personal data with the goals predetermined and stated when collecting personal data, as well as with the powers of the Service Administration;
- compliance of the volume and nature of the personal data processed, methods of processing personal data for the purposes of processing personal data;
- the inadmissibility of combining databases containing personal data created for incompatible purposes.
5.1.1. Conditions and purposes of processing personal data
The Service Administration processes the user’s
personal data in order to fulfill the agreement between the Service Administration and the User for the provision of
Service Services (clause 2.1 of the User Agreement
and clause 2.1 of the License Agreement
). By virtue of Article 6 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data,” the user’s separate
consent to the processing of his personal data is not required. By virtue of clause 2, paragraph 2 of Article 22 of
this law, the Administration of the Service has the right to process personal data without notifying the authorized
body for the protection of the rights of personal data subjects.
5.1.2. Collection of personal data
The collection of the User’s personal data is carried out on the Service upon
registration, as well as in the future when the user, on his own initiative, enters additional information about
himself using the Service’s tools. Personal data provided for in clause 4.1.1. of this Policy are provided by the
User and are the minimum required during registration. Personal data provided for in clause 4.1.2. of this Policy
are additionally provided by the User on his own initiative using the “Edit Profile” tab in the “My Page” section.
5.1.3. Storage and use of personal data
Personal data of users is stored exclusively on electronic media and
processed using automated systems, except in cases where non-automated processing of personal data is necessary in
connection with compliance with legal requirements.
Personal data of Service users is processed and stored for the entire period of their use of the Service, that
is, from the moment of registration until the moment the page is deleted, but not less than 1 (one) year after
registration of the page in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation (Article 10.1 of the
Federal Law dated 07/27/2006 N 149-FZ "On information, information technologies and information protection").
5.1.4. Transfer of personal data
Personal data of Users is not transferred to any other third parties, except as
expressly provided for in this Policy. When specifying the User or with the User's consent, it is possible to
transfer the User's personal data to third parties - counterparties of the Service Administration, subject to the
acceptance by such counterparties of obligations to ensure the confidentiality of the information received, in
particular when using applications. Applications used by users on the Service are hosted and supported by third
parties (developers) who act independently of the Service Administration and do not act on behalf of or on behalf of
the Service Administration. In this case, the data is transferred with the consent of the User, provided in the form
of a conclusive action when first launching and/or using the application (in particular, when clicking the
corresponding button, if available). Users are required to independently familiarize themselves with the Service
Provision Policies and the Personal Data Protection Policy of such third parties (developers) before using the
relevant applications. The actions of such third parties (developers) are governed by a separate agreement between
them and the Service Administration. A list of third parties hosting applications on the Service is available here
. Providing personal data of Users at the request of government bodies (local government bodies) is carried out in
the manner prescribed by law. In order to fulfill the agreement between the User and the Service Administration and
provide the User with access to use the functionality of the Service, the Service Administration develops the
services and products provided, develops and implements new services and products, optimizes the quality of
applications and products, and improves the available functionality of the Service and applications. To ensure the
implementation of these goals, the User agrees to the Service Administration, in compliance with applicable law,
sending service mailings to him (including surveys) in order to receive feedback through the Service Administration
applications and/or third party applications: emails, SMS and other types of mailings , - as well as the collection,
storage, accumulation, systematization, extraction, comparison, use, filling (clarification) of their data, as well
as to receive and transfer to partners the results of automated processing of such data using various models for
assessing information in the form of integer and/or text values and identifiers corresponding to the evaluation
criteria specified in the requests for data processing by the Service Administration and/or the persons specified in
this clause.
5.1.5. Destruction of personal data
The user’s personal data is destroyed when:
- self-deletion by the User of data from his personal page;
- the User’s own deletion of his personal page using the “delete his page” functionality available to the User in the “Site Settings” section;
- removal by the Service Administration of information posted by the User, as well as the User’s personal page in cases established by the User Agreement.
In case of deletion of a personal page, the Service Administration stores the User’s personal and other necessary data on its electronic media for the period necessary and established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
5.1.6. Procedure for deleting personal data by the user or the Administration of the Service at the request of the
The user has the right at any time to delete his personal data from the Service by deleting his page.
Deleting a page is available through the Service Settings section on the User page in the General Settings
subsection at the very end of the page. Here you can set the page to be deleted, then it will be deleted
automatically after 10 days. In addition, the user can always request immediate deletion of his personal data by
contacting the Support Service:
- through the “Help” section;
- by sending an email to personaldata@fotostrana.ru ;
- by sending a letter by postal service to the address: 197046, St. Petersburg, Pevchesky Lane, 12 lit. “A” for Fotostrana LLC.
5.2. When working with the Service, the program (such as the Internet Explorer web browser, Google Chrome, etc.) used by the user may transmit a small piece of data that is stored on the user's device (computer, tablet, etc.). This piece of data is usually called a cookie. Cookies, for example, allow you to remember that the user has already visited the Service, and re-authorization from the same device with the same initial data (IP address) is not required. Cookies are stored on the user's technical device (computer, laptop, etc.). In addition, in order to improve the operation of the Service, as well as for advertising purposes, the Service Administration may collect and process Cookies from users, as well as transfer such files to its partners, while the Service Administration guarantees the security and anonymity of data during such transfer. By using the Service, the user provides his consent to the collection, processing and transfer of Cookies to third parties. In addition, partners of the Service Administration can place and read identification cookies in users’ browsers or, using electronic tags, receive information about users’ cookies when presenting advertising material on the web Services. The user can disable the ability to provide Cookies in the settings of the browser that he uses to work with the Service. Instructions for changing Cookies settings in different browsers are available at the following links:
Internet Explorer
5.3. By posting information on a personal page, including his personal data, the User understands and agrees that this information may be available to other Internet users, taking into account the specific architecture and functionality of the Service. The user independently determines the confidentiality regime and conditions of access to the information specified in paragraphs. 4.2.3 – 4.2.5 of these Policies, through the appropriate settings. The Service Administration takes technical and organizational measures to ensure the functioning of the relevant Service tools.
6. Rights and obligations of users
6.1. Users have the right:
6.1.1. provide free, free access to information about yourself by uploading your personal pages on the Service using your login and password;
6.1.2. using the Tools of the Service, establish the desired level of confidentiality in relation to information about yourself (conditions for access to information) in accordance with clause 6.3 of these Policies;
6.1.3. independently make changes and corrections to information about yourself on the User’s personal page on the Service, provided that such changes and corrections contain current and reliable information;
6.1.4. delete information about yourself from your personal page on the Service;
6.1.5. require the Service Administration to clarify your personal data, block it or destroy it if such data is incomplete, outdated, unreliable, illegally obtained or is not necessary for the stated purpose of processing and if it is impossible to independently perform the actions provided for in clauses. 6.1.3. and 6.1.4. these Policies;
6.1.6. based on a request, receive from the Service Administration information regarding the processing of his personal data.
6.2. Since the Service is a platform for communication, the following information about a registered User is always available to any registered User of the Service, except in the case where the user has completely hidden his page:
6.2.1. User name, main photo;
6.2.2. gender, country, city;
6.2.3. information about the user's subscribers;
6.2.4. list of the user's friends, with the exception of a limited list of friends that the user chose to hide.
6.3. User setting the level of confidentiality of personal information
6.3.1. The user has the right, subject to the restrictions provided for in clause 6.2 of this Policy, to establish one of the following levels of confidentiality in relation to his personal data, as well as in relation to other information:
- information is available to all Users of the Service;
- information is available to all Users of the Service, with the exception of certain Users;
- information is available to persons who have the status of friends of the User on the Service, as well as to persons who have the status of their friends;
- information is available only to persons who have the status of friends of the user on the Service;
- information is available only to certain persons who have the status of friends of the User on the Service;
- information is available to Users who fall into certain categories selected by the User (gender, age, country);
- information is available only to the User.
The user can also completely hide his page, in which case any information from his page will be available only to him.
6.3.3. The Administration of the Service is not responsible for the disclosure of the User’s personal data by other Users of the Service who have access to such data in accordance with the level of confidentiality chosen by the User.
6.3.4. When personal data (other user information) is deleted from the User’s personal page or the User’s personal page is deleted from the Service, information about the User copied by other Users or stored on the pages of other Users is saved.
6.4. The User independently determines the conditions and provides access to his personal data to an unlimited number of persons, including through registration and use of standard functionality, as well as through the privacy and visibility settings of his personal page within the framework of the functionality provided to the User in accordance with clause 6.3 of this Policy. The Service Administration does not initiate or influence such a choice by the User, and also does not have the goal of obtaining permission from the User to distribute his personal data. The processing of personal data made available by the User to an unlimited number of persons is carried out by the Service Administration on the basis and in accordance with the terms of the User Agreement and this Policy.
7. Measures to protect information about Users
7.1. The Service Administration takes technical, organizational and legal measures to ensure the protection of the User’s personal data from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other unlawful actions.
7.2. To authorize access to the Service, the User's login (email address or mobile phone number) and password are used. The User is responsible for the safety of this information. The user does not have the right to transfer his own login and password to third parties, and is also obliged to take measures to ensure their confidentiality.
7.3. As part of the system of linking a page to a mobile phone, in case of loss of a username or password, the User can restore access to the page using the recovery code contained in the SMS message that the User receives on his mobile phone. In order to reduce the likelihood of third parties using User logins and passwords to send spam on their behalf, if the User’s login and password are entered using a server that is unusual for the User (in particular, a server of a foreign country), * The Service Administration blocks access to the personal the User’s page and the User’s page itself until the User’s ownership of his page is confirmed. The Administration of the Service also has the right, for the purposes of registration, authorization of the User, confirmation of the relevance of the telephone number linked to the personal page (verification), restoration of access to the personal page, to carry out a verification call-reset to the User’s phone number. After receiving a reset call, the User must enter a code - the last few digits of the number from which the reset call was made - in the appropriate window. Depending on the operating system of the mobile device, entering the code in the appropriate window may be carried out automatically, but only after receiving permission from the User to access the call history on the mobile device. This permission is granted by clicking the “Allow” button or similar. Access to the call history on the User's mobile device is used solely for the purpose of automating the insertion of a code when using the test call-reset function, as well as protection against spam and mass registrations.
7.4. The user has the right to receive information about at what time, from what browser, with what IP address and from what country the authorization to his personal page was made using the “Account Protection” link in the “Service Settings” section.
8. Limitation of the Policy
This Policy does not apply to the actions and Internet resources of third parties.
The Service Administration is not responsible for the actions of third parties who, as a result of using the Internet or the Service Services, have access to information about the User in accordance with the level of confidentiality chosen by the User, for the consequences of using information that, due to the nature of the Service, is available to any Internet user. The Administration of the Service recommends that Users take a responsible approach to resolving the issue of the amount of information about themselves posted on the Service.
9. User requests
9.1. Users have the right to send their requests to the Service Administration, including requests regarding the use of their personal data provided for in clause 6.1.6 of this Policy in one of the following ways:
- contact support through the “Help” section;
- send an email to personaldata@fotostrana.ru ;
- send a letter by postal service to the address: 197046, St. Petersburg, Pevchesky Lane, 12 lit. “A” for Fotostrana LLC.
9.2. The request submitted by the user must contain the following information:
- number of the main identification document of the user or his representative;
- information about the date of issue of the specified document and the issuing authority;
- information confirming the user’s participation in relations with the operator (in particular, the serial number of the user id);
- signature of the user or his representative.
9.3. The Administration of the Service undertakes to consider and send a response to the user’s request within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the request.
9.4. All correspondence received by the Service Administration from users (applications in written or electronic form) refers to restricted information and is not disclosed without the written consent of the User. Personal data and other information about the User who sent the request cannot be used without the special consent of the User other than to respond to the topic of the received request or in cases expressly provided for by law.
Consent to the processing of personal data, to their transfer to third parties, to cross-border transfer, as well as
to their depersonalization
Hereby, acting freely, of my own will and in my own interest, as well as confirming my legal capacity, I, in accordance with Art. 9, art. 12, clause 6, part 3, art. 23 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ “On Personal Data”, I give preliminary consent to:
- processing of my data, including personal data,
- transfer of my data, including personal data,
- anonymization of my data, including personal data,
- cross-border transfer of my data, including personal data, to the company Fotostrana LLC (OGRN 1157847426076, INN 7813238556, address 197046, St. Petersburg, Pevchesky Lane, 12 lit. “A”, room 3N, part of room. 3) (hereinafter referred to as Fotostrana) when I use the website https://fotostrana.ru/ , including its subdomain https://m.fotostrana.ru/, https://android.fotostrana.ru/ , https://simple.fotostrana.ru/ , and also the mobile application “Fotostrana: Dating Site”, the mobile application Dating & chat app: FS Online and other mobile applications based on Fotostrana (hereinafter referred to as the Service) and its gaming applications (hereinafter referred to as Users), using domains: https://android.fotostrana.ru/ , https://simple.fotostrana.ru/.
Data that may be processed by Fotostrana, purposes of data processing and legal basis:
Processed data |
Purposes of processing |
Legal grounds |
Execution by Fotostrana of the agreement (user and license agreement), including for the purposes of user verification (confirmation of ownership of the page on Fotostrana) and for the purpose of confirming the ownership of the payment card to the owner of the page from which the payment was made |
Legitimate interests Performance of the contract between us and you |
Data that may be transferred to third parties, a list of such parties and the purposes of data processing:
Name of the third party |
Transmitted data |
Purposes of processing |
Legal grounds |
Yandex LLC (Yandex Metrica) Link to privacy policy: https://yandex.ru/legal/confidential/ |
Analytics |
Legitimate interests Performance of the contract between us and you |
Yandex LLC (Advertising) Link to privacy policy: https://yandex.ru/legal/confidential/ |
User ID on Fotostrana
Marketing |
Legitimate interests Performance of the contract between us and you |
LLC "VK" Link to privacy policy: https://id.vk.com/privacy |
Marketing |
Legitimate interests Performance of the contract between us and you |
Google LLC (USA) Privacy Policy Link: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en |
Marketing |
Legitimate interests Performance of the contract between us and you |
BeMob, Inc. (USA) Privacy Policy Link: https://bemob.com/en/privacy-policy |
Marketing |
Legitimate interests Performance of the contract between us and you |
Google LLC ( USA) Privacy Policy Link: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en |
Registration on the Fotostrana website |
Legitimate interests Performance of the contract between us and you |
LLC "VK" Link to privacy policy: https://id.vk.com/privacy |
Registration on the Fotostrana website |
Legitimate interests Performance of the contract between us and you |
Yandex LLC Link to privacy policy: https://yandex.ru/legal/confidential/ |
Registration on the Fotostrana website |
Legitimate interests Performance of the contract between us and you |
Google LLC (USA) Privacy Policy Link: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en Only for users of mobile applications on Android |
Analytics |
Legitimate interests Performance of the contract between us and you |
MyTracker, LLC “VK” Privacy Policy Link: https://tracker.my.com/legal/privacy-policy Only for users of mobile applications on Android |
Analytics |
Legitimate interests Performance of the contract between us and you |
Firebase Crashlytics Privacy Policy Link: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en Only for users of mobile applications on Android |
Analytics |
Legitimate interests Performance of the contract between us and you |
AppMetrica SDK (Appmetrica) Yandex LLC Link to privacy policy: https://yandex.ru/legal/confidential/ |
Analytics |
Legitimate interests Performance of the contract between us and you |
Mindbox LLC Link to privacy policy: https://mindbox.ru/documents/policy/ |
Marketing |
Legitimate interests Performance of the contract between us and you |
Intelit Ltd. |
All data and functions used in the app |
Legitimate interests Performance of the contract between us and you |
Fabula-AI LLC Link to privacy policy: https://business.fabula-ai.com/privacy |
Portrait retouch function |
Legitimate interests Performance of the contract between us and you |
AppLovin Corporation Link to privacy policy: https://www.applovin.com/privacy/ |
Marketing |
Legitimate interests Performance of the contract between us and you |
Data that can be anonymized and the purposes of anonymization:
Data for anonymization |
Purposes of anonymization |
Legal grounds |
Safety |
Legitimate interests Performance of the contract between us and you |
Analytics |
Legitimate interests Performance of the contract between us and you |
Data that may be transferred to another country (cross-border transfer):
Name of the third party |
Transmitted data |
Purposes of processing |
Legal grounds |
Google LLC (Google LLC, USA) Privacy Policy Link: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en |
Marketing |
Legitimate interests Performance of the contract between us and you |
BeMob, Inc. (BiMob Inc., USA) Privacy Policy Link: https://bemob.com/en/privacy-policy |
Marketing |
Legitimate interests Performance of the contract between us and you |
Google LLC (Google LLC, USA) Privacy Policy Link: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en |
Registration on the Fotostrana website |
Legitimate interests Performance of the contract between us and you |
Google LLC (Google LLC, USA) Privacy Policy Link: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en Only for users of mobile applications on Android |
Analytics |
Legitimate interests Performance of the contract between us and you |
Firebase CrashlyticsGoogle LLC (Google LLC, USA) Privacy Policy Link: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en Only for users of the “Fotostrana” mobile application on Android |
Analytics |
Legitimate interests Performance of the contract between us and you |
I confirm that I have been notified of the following:
- If you want to revoke this consent, I can at any time write an email to personaldata@fotostrana.ru, as well as to the support service through the “Help” section https://fotostrana.ru/support/feedback/ask/ , or send letter by mail to the address: 197046, St. Petersburg, Pevchesky Lane, 12 lit. “A” with the obligatory indication of the ID number on Fotostrana (the number in the browser line when opening “My Page”)
- In case of withdrawal of this consent, my page on Fotostrana will be deleted.