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Лента блога "Climbing" - Страница 6
Carlo Traversi
Climbing in Gatineau
Bouldering in Bishop, CA
Sender One SNA (http://www.senderoneclimbing.com/ )
Jerry Miszewski walks a slackline to the iconic Eichorn Pinnacle, Yosemite. Clean rigging, using tricams, nuts, etc… Leave No Trace!
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Paul Robinson instagram http://instagram.com/paulrobinson87/
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MattiasFredriksson Photography http://instagram.com/mattiasfr...otography/
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Lago di Luzzone (Switzerland)
This shot is taken on 3800 above MSL, on the highest volcano in Indonesia region.
Even though the sun is already high above, I am glad that I manage myself to take this one last shot before descending
Even though the sun is already high above, I am glad that I manage myself to take this one last shot before descending